Mexico Overview

Mexico: A Brief Overview of its Cultural Heritage, Geography, and Climate Ancient, crumbling pyramids and ceremonial centers. Vividly-colored, handwoven rugs and textiles. Imaginatively fashioned arts and crafts. Craggy and parched cactus-studded deserts. Sun-washed, sandy beaches lining warm and ever-changing waters. Sparkling eyes flashing in golden-brown, smiling faces … this is Continue Reading →

A Saladita and Troncones Rainy Season Outing

Zihuatanejo, Troncones Beach and La Saladita are all wonderful Pacific coast destinations on the Mexican Riviera. During the rainy summer months, we often make outings to Saladita and Troncones from Zihua town on the weekends. In the height of the summer tourist season, when the kids are out of school, Continue Reading →

Fifteen days of Fasting

This weekend I decided to end my juice fast. I was fifteen days into it and feeling good. I decided that I’d had a good spring cleansing; the minor allergic reactions that I was having had subsided, my skin and tongue were clear. And I felt really ready to eat! Continue Reading →